Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Finding Your Purpose In Life Doesn’t Have To Be Complicated

purpose-isnt-complicatedYour purpose in life isn’t going to be found far away on some distant mountain top. On the contrary. It’s likely right under your nose but you just don’t recognize it.
You’re probably making the search too difficult. Perhaps you think it’s more meaningful the harder it is to find.
There is usually a lot of hocus pocus surrounding our search for meaning and purpose. But don’t get distracted by the search.
The purpose of the search is to clear your vision so you can see the obvious. No matter how far the search takes you, chances are you’ll find yourself right back where you started from. Because our purpose is grounded in the everyday things we do.
It’s usually not so much a matter of finding your purpose as it is recognizing it. It’s close at hand and has been there all along. You just don’t recognize it as such.
Perhaps because you are distracted by the search.
Or looking for something more complicated.

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