Starting your own business is by far the most popular road to financial independence. It’s open to everyone and can be done with little or no money. All it takes is the determination and the will to do what ever is necessary. But this is where most people fail.
They think they can’t do it. I read somewhere that the most common factor in successfully starting your own business is having a role model. In other words, knowing someone who has done it before so that you know it’s possible. This gives you the confidence to try because you’ve already seen it done.
The main reason people stay with a job is they don’t want to take the risk. When you work for someone else you’re paying them for their business risk. They’re only paying you part of what you produce because you’re afraid to work for yourself. They are making money from your fear of risk.
If you’re working for yourself you’re not sharing the profits of your labor with someone. Then when business gets too much for you to handle you can hire others to work for you and you’ll get a share of their labor profits.
If you assemble enough people and get a share of everyone’s labor then you don’t have to work anymore. You as a business owner are making money off of people who don’t want to take the risk of working for themselves. Which is most people.
A business doesn’t necessarily need much if any start up capital. You just need to be creative. Some businesses take nothing so you can use them as a starter business to make and save money for the next business. There are lots of no capital businesses.
No money is the biggest reason people give for not starting a business. But you can start a no capital business using the knowledge and the resources you already have. You don’t need a formal business structure, a fancy office and a new company vehicle. All you need is to start doing an activities that makes money.
It’s usually not a problem of start up capital, its a matter of confidence and motivation.
I only had one business success in my life but that’s all it took to set me up financially. I started my business out of necessity. I had no skills, no education, and no money. But I wanted my freedom in life to do as I please and to travel the world. The only way I could do this was to have money.
So I started a business with the pieces I had. I didn’t like the work. But I did it because it was my only option. It took a few years and suddenly I was making good money. After that I was hiring people to do the work. Then I took on a partner to run things and started traveling the world for months at a time.
The only way I could do this is because I had a source of income. I had set up a business that gave me financial independence.
Some people can make it through their education, or their talents, or their personality in the corporate world. But others like me can’t. We have to find another road.
I’m not talking about making millions. I’m talking about making enough to free yourself from the burden of going to work every day. Just enough money to buy your time back so you can live your life as you choose.
Starting your own business is the road to financial independence for anyone who wants it bad enough. Motivation is the key, not start up capital or having the right idea.
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