It’s nice when life is rolling along problem free. That is our preferred state.
But then out of left field you’ll be thrown into a crisis that knocks you out of your daily routine and makes you focus on the big picture again.
It might be a divorce, or a health issue, or finances. But it’s big enough to make you start thinking about your life again. That is the upside of a crisis. It gives you the motivation to reevaluate your situation and your direction.
I recently had a mini-crisis and was afraid I would have to return home to solve it. As you know I’m living overseas and having to return home would cost a lot of money on my budget. Plus it would completely disrupt my lifestyle of the last few years.
Fortunataly it was a false alarm. But it did get me thinking again. Thinking about my situation and what my plans are for the immediate future.
Sometimes routine is good. At least it’s comfortable. On the other hand it might be an indication that we’ve gotten lazy and aren’t monitoring our time carefully. That’s where a crisis comes in.
It makes us more aware of the present and what our plans are. It shakes us up a little. Many times for the better. So even though the crisis it’s self is bad, the outcome can often times be positive.
But even better is to not wait for a crisis to re evaluate your situation. Be pro active and give yourself a new or renewed prospective. You need to do this fairly often to make sure you are on track. Don’t wait for a crisis to force you.
It’s important to do this often so you stay as close to your purpose as possible. Though re evaluation is difficult without motivation.
That’s why a little change helps. Go on a trip, or change your routine, or anything to provide a little contrast so you can see things more clearly again.
Something to shake yourself up like a crisis would.
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