Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Probability Thinking

probability thinkingI used to to be fascinated by Dr. Robert Schuller’s idea of possibility thinking. That anything is possible.
But in reality that’s not how we should be structuring our lives. Instead we should focus on what’s probable because we all have limited talents and resources.
We must distill all those possibilities down to what is reasonable and practical for us.
We must distill all those possibilities down to what is reasonable and practical for us. To the things within our reach. Otherwise we’ll be living in a world of hopes and dreams instead of the real world.
It’s true that many people sell themselves short of their true potential. That’s where possibility thinking comes in because it allows you to see beyond your current circumstances.
But at some point you have to start making choices and living in the present. With what you have and what you can reasonably expect to get. This is what probability thinking is all about.

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