Your attitude is so important because it literally steers your life.
But first I want to define what attitude is.
The best definition I could find is: The tendency or orientation of the mind.
It’s the cumulative result off all the experiences in your life, and how you feel about them. It’s a product of all that’s come before.
But that doesn’t mean that you can’t change your attitude. Because you can. So far I’ve been talking about your default altitude or your unconscious attitude, which takes a lot of time and effort to change.
What is easy to change is your instantaneous attitude. This is something that can be controlled by just being aware of it. You can literally man handle it in any direction you want with your will.
What you want to do is to stack your attitude with favorable experiences to outweigh the bad and negative experiences in your past.
And this is useful because it can result in experiences that influence your long term unconscious attitude, which is your default attitude when you aren’t thinking about it.
The goal is to bring your default attitude in line with your instantaneous attitude.
Which is possible because recent experiences effect your attitude more than historical experiences. What you want to do is to stack your attitude with favorable experiences to outweigh the bad and negative experiences in your past.
In time your unconscious attitude will align with your more recent and favorable experiences and result in a permanent change of attitude.
How much time and effort this process takes depends on what your attitude is now, and what you want it to be.
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