Wednesday, May 27, 2015


If you find that drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water a day (more if you're exercising!) is a challenge, there are other choices you can make to get your body the fluids it needs. And hydrating your body is, after all, the bottom line.
  • Skim milk. A small glass has about 80 calories, along with respectable amounts of protein and calcium. And, of course, no fat.
  • Decaffeinated iced tea. Go without sugar and you've got a drink that's as calorie-free as water.
  • Soups and broths. There are plenty of low-calorie products on the market. However, they can be very high in sodium, so be sure to check the nutrition label for salt content. (You shouldn't have more than 2400 mg of sodium daily.)
  • Juice-water mix. You can get the flavor of juice with less sugar and calories by mixing a half glass with water and ice.

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